The Time for Inspiring Great Leadership

As I was preparing to write the latest installment of LEAD, I began with an idea, several ideas actually, then put them down. A lot on my mind I guess as I mulled over several topics, over and over.

Then I received a surprise call from my friend Trace Blackmore, host of the Scaling Up H2O Podcast. Trace had interviewed me pre-COVID-19 for his show and I’d kind of forgotten about it. He called to let me know that it would be published (last Friday) and that he and his wife were “really inspired”. Wow, what a wonderful compliment I thought.

My message then is the same as it is today. It motivates me to do what I do. As Simon Sinek would say, it’s “my why”.

When I was young, I read biographies of successful leaders, great leaders. I still do. As far back as grade school I wanted to know what made them successful? What did they have to overcome, if anything, to get from where they were to where they wanted to be? What I call Leadership Mastery.

The first biography I remember reading was about Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of The United States. T.R. overcame several physical limitations as a child.

As an adolescent, I had limitations of my own to overcome. Mine were limitations from a lack of confidence and self-esteem. But that all changed almost in an instant.

That One Goal

I experienced an epiphany in a single moment that caused me to reflect, to think differently and to change my outlook. In that moment, I set my sights on achieving just one goal.

The One Goal: win the President’s Physical Fitness Award. It might seem silly to place so much significance on this singular objective, but striving to achieve that award was just that for me, significant. It was my "breakthrough goal".

To achieve it, I had to muster all the courage I had within and to go way outside, I mean WAY OUTSIDE my comfort zone. That decision was the tipping point that propelled my success in life. I call moments like these defining moments.

Defining Moments

Defining moments occur when you are faced with a dilemma, an obstacle that at the time seems insurmountable and yet you found a way through and you came out the other side much stronger.

Great Leadership

I've built my business on one overarching belief. A belief that you and I are responsible for leaving the world, yours and mine, a little bit better off than before.

You have the ability to be the best leader you can be. And along with that ability, comes a responsibility for your good health, for those whom you lead, for your families, and for your communities.

And because I believe now is the time to double-down on inspiring great leadership, I am offering a free webinar for leaders like you called, “Leadership Mastery in Uncertain Times – Be The Leader They Want to Follow”.

When: Either Tuesday November 17, 5:00 PM ET – 6:00 PM ET, OR
Wednesday November 18, 1:00 PM ET – 2:00 PM ET
Where: Virtually on my Private Zoom Webinar

What you can expect:

  • Sharpen Your Focus And Leadership Skills With Extreme Clarity & Confidence In Any Crisis, Simply and Effectively!

  • Engage Your Teams And Your Customers More Deeply For Improved Customer Loyalty, Better Retention, Up-Selling & Cross-Selling!

  • Tips That Will Empower Your Success And Create More Freedom!

How: Register for Either Tuesday November 17 Click Here;
OR for Wednesday November 18, Click Here

I have studied leadership for decades, been a leader for much of my life and have been inspired to share these principles and life's experiences with leaders like you.

Whether you are a CEO, an aspiring CEO, an entrepreneur/owner of your company, a leader at home or in your community, great leadership is for everyone.

I hope you'll join me next week. If you have any questions, feel free to reply. I'd love to hear from you. And if you know someone who might benefit, please share this article.

Until next time!

P.S. Register here for November 17 or November 18.