Features Overview


Protea Conversations
Building Resilience in Business and Sports
Host: Zane Stevens

In this conversation, Zane Stevens and John Fenton explore the importance of identifying core values, the transition from a CPA firm partner to a coaching role, and the necessity of coaching in the accounting industry. They discuss coaching philosophies, the significance of gratitude in leadership, and provide advice for new leaders. John shares personal reflections on his purpose and the impact of vulnerability in leadership.

Date Aired: January 8, 2025

Building Resilience in Business and Sports
Zane Stevens

The Unique CPA Podcast
Leadership from Unusual Sources
Host: Randy Crabtree

On Episode 175 of The Unique CPA, Randy Crabtree connects with John J. Fenton who discusses his transformative journey from college athletics to public accounting to leadership coaching. John served as managing partner at BDO USA, and his experience of the profession drives his insights on leadership, employee engagement, trust, and progressing beyond the billable hour. John has drawn upon his time as a college athlete and his black belt certification to help him better appreciate the role of mindfulness and continuous self-improvement in effective leadership

Date Aired: September 3, 2024

Leadership from Unusual Sources
Randy Crabtree, CPA

Making Sales Social Podcast
Five-Minute Mastery: John J. Fenton - Transforming Stress to Success in Sales Leadership
HostsL Bob Woods & Brynne Tillman

John J. Fenton joins us on this episode for a conversation about overcoming the stress that comes with the sales leadership role and how to transform that into success by learning how to master five minutes of your time. We also talked about how to become the type of leader who can lead teams to success and how to attract people to you and recognize you as their leader. Tune in and learn how to become a successful sales leader while managing the challenges of the role.

Date Aired: January 23, 2024

Five-Minute Mastery: John J. Fenton - Transforming Stress to Success in Sales Leadership
Hosts: Bob Woods & Brynne Tillman

Conscious Millionaire Show
Leadership As The Path To Consciousness
Host: JV Crum III

Leading in uncertain and complex times is challenging. What separates good leaders from great ones is the ‘inner game’ of leadership. As the CEO Sensei, former BDO managing partner, and blackbelt, John J. Fenton is one of the few who address this critical aspect of leading well.

Date Aired: August 21, 2023

Leadership As The Path To Consciousness
Host: JV Crum III

Accounting Talent Podcast
Winning the Accounting Talent Battle
Host: Rob Brown

In this episode of the Accounting Influencers Podcast, guest John Fenton shares valuable insights on how accountants can attract and retain top talent to grow their firms. John emphasizes the importance of measuring success based on the quality of relationships with customers, employees, and vendors. He advises accountants to create white space on their calendars to reflect on their firm’s direction, clients, and ongoing projects.

Date Aired: June 1, 2023

Winning the Accounting Talent Battle
Host: Rob Brown

Accounting Influencers Podcast
Accounting Leadership in Tough Times
Host: Rob Brown

“Accounting Leadership in Tough Times", John Fenton speaks with host Rob Brown about his experience as a managing partner at BDO and his passion for leadership.

Fenton draws upon his background in athletics, particularly in football and martial arts, to emphasise the importance of mindset, self-awareness, and intentionality of ineffective leadership. He stresses the need for leaders to take a step back, breathe deeply, and create white space on their calendars to centre themselves, make better decisions, and build deeper relationships with their employees and clients.

Fenton also touches on the power of active listening and focusing on what is most important. He believes that allowing oneself to be more centred leads to deeper, more meaningful relationships with employees and clients. Fenton also shares his personal experience with goal setting and how it changed his life, motivating him to work towards achieving his potential as an athlete and ultimately leading him to a successful career in accounting. This episode offers valuable insights into effective leadership strategies for accountants looking to grow their firms.

Date Aired: May 22, 2023

Accounting Leadership in Tough Times: John Fenton
Host: Rob Brown

Business Minds Coffee Chat
Finding Your Center
Host: Jay Scherr

Topics we cover include John's backstory, pushing beyond our comfort zones, the impact of Tai chi on John's life, mindset, overcoming challenges, characteristics of great leaders, how a near-death experience changed John's outlook, and more.

Date Aired: February 16, 2023

Finding Your Center
Host: Jay Scherr

AFO | Wealth Management Forward
Winning the Talent Battle
Host: Rory Henry

Rory is joined by former Managing Partner at BDO, current executive leadership coach and CEO Sensei John J. Fenton to talk about culture and how to win the battle for talent. Listen as John talks about why people skills, more than ever, are important for today's leaders. Discover what John says about how firms can create a culture of accountability. Do you want know what separates a good accounting firm from a great one? Do you want to know what John says are the top priorities for accounting firm leaders are in 2023? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this CEO Sensei podcast with Leadership Coach John Fenton!

Date Aired: January 25, 2023

Winning the Talent Battle
Host: Rory Henry

Focus Forward Business Podcast
Focus Forward Business Podcast with Sturdy McKee
Host: Sturdy McKee

What separates the good leaders from the great ones is the 'inner game' or mindset of leadership. CEO Sensei, former BDO managing partner and martial arts blackbelt, John Fenton is one of the few who address this critical aspect of leading well. A passionate, experienced and articulate ‘leader of leaders’, John’s unique methodology brings clarity, pragmatism and encouragement for today’s professional firm managing partners, board executives and CEO’s.

Date Aired: December 27, 2022

Focus Forward Business Podcast with Sturdy McKee
Host: Sturdy McKee

Help! My Business is Growing
How to take care of yourself as you're growing your business, with John J. Fenton
Host: Kathy Svetina

In this episode of Help, My Business is Growing, CEO Sensei and mentor John Fenton, share how practicing mindfulness daily, will make you a more confident and effective leader. He reveals the many benefits of breathing exercises and intentional meditation, including how they can help us center ourselves and rediscover our focus and clarity.

Date Aired: December 6, 2021

How to take care of yourself as you're growing your business, with John J. Fenton
Host: Kathy Svetina

Scaling UP! Nation
The One with John Fenton
Host: Corrine Drury

My lab partner in today’s episode is John Fenton, the “CEO Sensei.” John J Fenton is a Certified Success Principles™ Trainer, an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, and leading authority in Leadership. Following a successful 30+Year career as a Managing Partner and CPA in one of the world’s largest accounting and consulting firms, John launched his business in 2013 in executive coaching and consulting to help busy executives be the best leaders they can be.

John shares his personal story with us to better take care of ourselves as we become better business owners, managers, technicians, and everything in between. Please enjoy my interview with John Fenton.

Date Aired: December 6, 2020

The One with John Fenton
Host: Corrine Drury

Time To Shine Today
Interview with Best Selling Author ‘The CEO Sensei’ John J. Fenton
Host: L. Scott Ferguson

Welcome to Episode 49. We got to chat with my friend the CEO Sensei John J. Fenton. John played high level athletics. Highly recruited out of the state of Florida and played football at the University of Miami and transitioned into the ‘business world’. After a health scare John started John J. Fenton Executive Coaching. He has successfully helped CEO’s and entrepreneurs improve their leadership skills and Level UP their success. Take Notes! Enjoy!

Date Aired: March 18, 2020

Interview with Best Selling Author ‘The CEO Sensei’ John J. Fenton
Host: L. Scott Ferguson

Small Business Matters
John Fenton on Mastering Time
Host: Tim Fulton

In this episode of the Small Business Matters podcast, John sits down with Tim and Taylor to discuss how a near death experience changed his life and led to a new career focused on helping entrepreneurs and executives benefit from his experience. In addition, John discusses his new workbook, “5 Day 5 Minute Freedom Challenge”, designed to help business leaders master what’s important and transform stress into success.

Date Aired: August 22, 2019

John Fenton on Mastering Time
Host: Tim Fulton