What You Need to Know About Sharing an Inspired Vision

"Leadership is affirming people's worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves".
- Stephen Covey

Have you ever thought of yourself as inspiring? Someone who inspires others to greatness?

To inspire a shared vision means you have to have a vision worth sharing. It takes a sound grasp of the purpose of your organization, your why for doing what you do and why you're in business.

Vision is what that purpose looks like. It's observable. When you see it, you know it and say, "that's it".

Like a good coach, you see the potential in those whom you lead. A good coach listens. A good coach helps the one coached to recognize their potential and how that potential aligns with the vision of the team or organization. 

If you want to lead a successful company or organization, your team must be engaged. They must understand the vision and align their personal goals and aspirations with the organization. They want to know and feel that their work is aligned and contributes to the shared vision.

To do this I recommend the following:

  • Encourage enthusiasm and a sense of belonging and contribution.

  • Affirm their worth, their value.

  • Show appreciation and encouragement consistently. Remind everyone of the purpose (frequency and repetition are important).

  • Include others in discussions and decision making.

This month is a time of gift giving and celebration. Whether at work or in your personal life I think one of the best gifts you can give someone is to affirm their sense of worth and potential, inspiring them to greater things. Is there someone you know who would benefit?

Until next time!