Secrets They Don't Teach In Business School - Extreme Clarity & Better Results In Any Crisis

I was recently inspired to re-read the classic, Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Hill wrote his book after 20 years of research of 500 of the world's most successful leaders and businessmen, among them Henry Ford, Charles M. Schwab, and John D. Rockefeller.  

Andrew Carnegie, one of the world's richest men -

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” - Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie, one of the world’s richest men, inspired his work. Carnegie was an immigrant from Scotland who saw potential in the fledgling steel industry and ultimately created his own steel company aptly named Carnegie Steel Company.  

In 1900, he sold his company for $400 million to J.P. Morgan and a group of investors led by Charles M. Schwab, and thus U.S. Steel was born.  

As Philanthropist during his last 18 years of life, Mr. Carnegie gave away nearly 90% of his fortune, or $350 million to charities, foundations and universities.  In today's dollars, that would be worth about $65 Billion given away.  Amazing!

Napoleon Hill - 

“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.” - Napolean Hill

Hill met Andrew Carnegie at an early age and learned his formula for success.  At the request of Carnegie, Napoleon Hill "carefully analyzed" the money-making secret which made the fortunes of hundreds of wealthy men so that it could be shared with the world.  

"... all who are ready for it."

In his book, Hill shared this formula which includes "Thoughts Are Things" along with 13 steps towards riches, including among them: "Desire"; "Faith" (and Visualization); "Imagination"; "Persistence"; and "The Power of The Mastermind".

The Major Attributes of Leadership - 

Hill's work includes much more than just how to create wealth. In it, he also describes the Self-Confidence formula, power of the subconscious mind, "The Ten Major Causes of Failure in Leadership" and a whole lot more.  

Let's focus on leadership success.  Based on his years of research, Hill wrote about leadership and what it takes to be a great leader.  What he found to be the important factors of great leadership were: 

  1. Unwavering Courage

  2. Self-control

  3. A keen sense of justice

  4. Definiteness of decision

  5. Definiteness of plans

  6. The habit of doing more than paid for

  7.  A pleasing personality

  8. Sympathy and understanding

  9. Master of detail

  10. Willingness to assume full responsibility

  11. Cooperation

Each of these 11 attributes has importance and stands the test of time.  There are, however, a few that really stand out to me.  

And in times of crisis and uncertainty like we are experiencing now, I believe these attributes are more important than ever.

Courage to pivot and set a new course, decisiveness, going above and beyond to add value, understanding, cooperation and the willingness to take full responsibility are so prescient during times of crisis and disruption.  

Every adversity presents opportunity, if you have the eyes to see it.” 

Because of all the confusion, uncertainty and frustration that you are facing right now, I am hosting:

Leading in Uncertain Times - Extreme Clarity & Better Results In Any Crisis

Join me Wednesday August 26, 2020, 6:00PM - 7:30PM ET to learn success principles that you can implement right away and will be real game-changers for you.

In this webinar you will:

  • Learn Success Principles That Will Sharpen Your Focus And Leadership Skills With Extreme Clarity & Confidence In Any Crisis!

  • Learn Strategies And Tools For Engaging Your Customers More Deeply For Customer Loyalty, Retention, Up-Selling & Cross-Selling!

  • Learn Secrets That Will Empower Your Success And Create More Freedom!

To Learn More and to Register, CLICK HERE NOW!

I look forward to seeing you there!

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul". - William Ernest Henley, poet
