John J Fenton

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Leadership - Where Does it Start?

Being a leader can be lonely. Worse, your job has become increasingly complex, fraught with ambiguity, volatility, and uncertainty. This amplifies worry, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and stress, among other emotions. The result? It could lead to burnout.

There is much talk these days - and rightfully so - about your employees' emotional and mental well-being. But what about you?

Three Things

Increasingly, leaders are realizing three things. First, the old ways of leading by command and control are no longer effective. Second, with the rapid onset of technological change, including artificial intelligence in the workplace, change is and will continue to accelerate.

Third, to be truly effective and the leader you know you are, you must prioritize your well-being as much as you value everyone else's in your life, including on your team, your firm, and your company.

Your ability to relate to your employees, see the bigger picture, lead with a sense of purpose and vision, and build a human-centered culture will give you power over technology and put it in its proper place—as a tool to be used.

So, while everything around you seems spinning wildly in some direction, you can slow it all down. It takes some practice, but I know you can do it because I was able to. More on that below.

The Twenty-First Century Leader

If you want to lead a thriving business well into the twenty-first century, you must acknowledge that business will be done differently than how you and I experienced it when we rose through the ranks. It's time to unleash your people's potential. It's time to inspire and drive positive change.

Recognizing that your employees are your most important and valuable asset, you must put your money where your mouth is. You have to invest in your people to realize a positive return.

Your employees, by and large, want a few things. They want to be a part of some purpose larger than themselves that they can align with. They want to know why they are doing what they are doing so they can feel excited about their contribution.

They want flexibility. They value relationships and time with family and friends as much as their careers.

They want to grow and be challenged. Everyone loves a winner, especially a winner with purpose, and wants to contribute to a winning team.

In Drive, The Surprising Truths About What Motivates Us (notice he did not say 'them'), Daniel Pink wrote that the secret to high performance is our deep-seated desire to direct our own lives, expand our abilities, and "live a life of purpose."

Everything Flows From You

To be at your best as a leader, look no further than in the mirror.

What are your values? What are your assumptions? What's holding you back? Developing self-awareness through mindfulness methods and self-reflection strengthens your confidence, resilience, and clarity of mind. Your decision-making capacity expands, and you see things more clearly.

Your ability to manage your emotions, thoughts, and energy is an integral component. Each of these changes multiple times within a day. Self-awareness and how you show up to others in moments of interaction are crucial to your leadership effectiveness.

How To

In the book 5 Minute Mastery™, I outline three ways to clear your mind and recharge your energy. This book was the culmination of my life's work to date, and it incorporated the teachings I experienced as a master and black belt in Tai Chi, in business, and in life.

You see, in just a few moments—five minutes, let's say—everything can change. Your outlook can change. Your company's trajectory can change. Your authentic leadership style can be brought forth.

Breathe. Bring your awareness to your breath and, in doing so, into the present moment. There is no anxiety in the present—only calm and clarity.

Leadership Starts With You

Today's Leadership requires confidence, selflessness, resilience, versatility, and humility. To be a more effective leader, you must empower others, inspire purpose and boldness, be perpetually curious as a learner, model empathy, and know that you do not need to know everything.

Until next time!