Sustainable Peak Performance?

Sustainable peak performance. Is that possible without compromising your health, well-being, and sanity? Do you have the time to be at your peak and still enjoy your time with family and friends, enjoying your success?  

Brendon Burchard defines high performance "as reaching and sustaining long-term success while maintaining well-being and positive relationships". It's consistently performing and achieving extraordinary results without sacrificing yourself or your relationships.

Success Leaves Clues - Anthony Robbins

Successful people, executives, business magnates, athletes, artists, and others have something figured out. They seem to have boundless energy, many are involved in several businesses and activities, and it appears that they have happy lives and families, too. How do they do it?

From my years of research, my study of myself, and working with others, sustainable high performance comes from mindset. I recently shared how the highest human emotions are in the form of joy, gratitude, appreciation, and a sense of fulfillment. When we are joyful and filled with gratitude, everything becomes easier. When you are in this mental and emotional state, chances are you are operating at your highest level, reveling in your unique ability.

Click here for the free 5-Day 5 Minute Freedom Challenge

Your mindset is the launching pad for how your day will go, the quality of the interactions you have with your family, friends and colleagues, and co-workers, and the speed and clarity of your decision-making. So how do you know if you have a winning mindset?  

Awareness of self is important. It's easy to go through the daily to-do's at work and family obligations and get caught up in a myriad of tasks and deadlines. To be aware, truly aware requires that your thoughts and your focus be in the present. And when you practice self-awareness, you become more aware of the people and things around you.

There are many ways to improve or strengthen awareness and I'm sure you've heard about most of them. I like to practice breathing, meditation, and tai chi and have done so for nearly 14 years as a way to bring myself to the present. When I do, my day flies, my relationships are enhanced, and my productivity soars. When I don't, just the opposite occurs.

Democratic Presidential Candidate and U.S. Congressman Tim Ryan wrote a book about how it changed his life and practices mindful meditation daily. Bill Ford, Oprah Winfrey, LeBron James, Misty May-Trainor, Ray Dalio, Hugh Jackman, Phil Jackson, Arianna Huffington, Derek Jeter, and countless other highly successful people do as well.  

It's really quite a simple process, what I call 5 Minute Mastery™.  Steal 5 minutes in the morning, 5 minutes mid-day, and 5 minutes before going to bed, and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to feel gratitude and appreciation and just breathe.  

To help you get started I created this free guidebook, The 5-Day 5 Minute Freedom Challenge.  Try it for at least 5 days, just 5 minutes each day, and see what happens.  

Until next time!